Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Republic Act No. 9155

Expected the unexpected of this day. In curriculum development, I got twenty of this quiz in Republic Act #: 9155 or Governance of Basic Education of Act 2001. This quiz is so hard because you should write by word on the provision of this law. I thanked to God because He guide me on this test to pass this quiz and also He gave me a knowledge to answer the following question.

Next meeting, we had the Socratic recitation of this subject according to our instructor. Our tackle to review for the Socratic Recitation is all about the "Accessing the Curriculum".

1 comment:

  1. can you give me some of you edia about the republic act no.9155?its and introduction,,,,for my term paper..tnx just mail in my email add
    i'll expect your answer and your mail at my yahoo.tnx goodluck and godbless
